This series examines aspects of “post-truth politics” around the world. In an attempt to expand our view beyond the United States, contributors have been asked to address the purchase of concepts such as “post-truth” in other political and cultural contexts.
Tito Carvalho, Shifting Political Orders: “Post-Truth Politics” in the U.K., U.S., and Brazil
Casper Bruun Jensen, Thought From the Outside: Post-Truth and Cambodian Political Theater
Francesca Bosisio, Post-truth Politics in Switzerland and Threats to Direct Democracy
Ehsan Nabavi, Make Engineering Great Again: Shifting to ‘Self-Expert’ Platform of Governance in Iran and the US
Rika Febriyani and AbdouMaliq Simone, Making Way, True or Not, in Jakarta
Marja Hinfelaar and Tinenenji Banda, Post-Truth and Zambia’s King Cobra
Mei Zhan, “Let the bullets fly for a while”: an allegory from China
Peter Lauritsen & Lars Bo Andersen, Trumpism in Denmark
Kregg Hetherington, The End of Truth Politics in Paraguay
Series edited by Kasper Hedegård Schiølin.